Monday 21 January 2013

Best Practice Web Design – Using Responsive Layouts

 A responsive web design layout allows websites to automatically adapt to different devices and resolutions. Most importantly, responsive layouts allow the user to view a website with ease, without zooming in and out and scrolling left to right. This allows the designer to control the layout of the website so that it remains the same while allowing small changes to fit in. Responsive design uses fluid grids, percentages instead of pixels, fluid images/media & media queries to adjust the design to suit its parent media.
Mobile users are increasing by the day. In fact almost anyone looking for you while they are on the road will use their mobile. Statistics are even showing that there are millions of users performing transactions, submitting queries or even shopping online using their mobile devices.
Mobile Internet subscribers went from 6.78 million in June 2010 to 9.68 million in June 2011. That’s a massive increase of 43% in just 12 months, which means we need to cater for this traffic. The best way to do this is via responsive layouts that allow us to design sites once and feed them into different mediums without any major fuss.
Responsive web design is probably one of the most mentioned trends that is transforming the web design landscape. It's a relatively recent notion and has emerged to meet a dilemma of numerous webmasters or web designers in attempting to reach many users without necessarily degrading the quality of making or building a subsequent low quality lighter website. Shortened as RWD, responsive Web Design from web design Melbourne would be the style of fluid web-sites with styles and functions that could easily adjust to the environment in which it is viewed. Even if you are viewing an RWD site in a desktop or smart phone, you will discover regular rendering of material and rich media. It is an fascinating prospect which is currently being explored by many developers and agencies.
Many businesses still don’t place enough importance on current content on websites built based on current web design and development practice. Having a poorly designed website is like a poorly organised, messy or dirty store, and your visitors will judge you based on the appearance and most likely leave your website resulting in loss of business.
Our web design Melbourne team have created many responsive websites using best practice methods which ensure compatibility with most popular mobile devices in the market such as iPhone, iPad and Android phones and tablets. So go for web design Sydney now.

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