Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tips For Getting A Good Ecommerce Website

Today a lot of people use internet and online shopping has become the basic need for an individual. Visiting a store and then purchasing the items required is now really time consuming for busy schedules. Those days are gone where one needed to have a concrete store in order to run a successful retail business. The success of taking one retail business online starts with a solid marketing strategy and most of all an ecommerce website design, built for success. Here are the great tips for making the ecommerce website design a success.
When looking for the ecommerce website design, it is really very important to think about the targeting customers. The very moment visitors come to your website they should know what the person is trying to sell. Highlighting some of the products with a simple flash intro is a good option. It is important to make the specials stands out. If someone is offering free shipping or a money back guarantee, this should all be visible at first glance. Focus on strategically positioning your products.
The new ecommerce website design should make it easy for your customers to get from one product category to the next. It is important to make sure there is a continue shopping option when a product is purchased and ensure that the option to view shopping cart is available. Also an option for adding and deleting items for customers should be there, in order to create a great and user-friendly shopping experience.
It is also a good idea to sell the complementary product simultaneously. Cross selling the other product with a kind and caring suggestion is also appreciated in the market. For example, if someone sells beauty products, perhaps if a customer purchased a face cream, it might be wise to also suggest a cleanser and a toner by using a simple pop-up or automation.
Webitecture specialises in the delivery of premium Web 2.0 web development coupled with industry leading viral marketing and online marketing tactics, search engine optimisation (SEO), email marketing, and mobile application development . Webitecture is one of very few organisations providing a one stop shop for your online start up and growth. As a full-service agency, Webitecture not only builds ground-breaking websites, but also develops the strategies and go-to-market tactics to ensure that your business’s investment is being recognised by customers and envied by competitors.
So webitecture is looking forward to see you soon online.

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